Six Signs Your Organization is Ready to Insource Leave and Accommodations Management

Managing leaves of absence and workplace accommodations has recently become a lot more time-consuming and complex. Leave requests are on the rise, with employers expecting them to rise by 41-60% in the coming year. Employers are also adding more types of paid leave, leaving HR managers scrambling to implement and manage these new policies.
Between long COVID, new protections for pregnant employees under the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA), and greater awareness of “invisible” disabilities, requests for accommodations are also becoming more frequent. A recent survey found that 72% of large employers anticipated an 11-40% increase in requests for accommodations this year due to PWFA alone!
To meet these challenges, organizations sometimes choose to outsource some or all of their leave and accommodations management. However, technology has come a long way in recent years. Robust platforms that centralize, automate, and streamline leave and accommodations processes now offer organizations a better way to bring—or keep—leave management in house.
In this guide, we share six ways to tell if your organization is ready to insource your leave and accommodations programs. You will also learn more about how new leave and accommodations management technologies can transform your HR processes, and make them faster, more streamlined, and much more compliant.