Plot Twist: Reframing Leave as a Benefit Improves Employee Experience

Plot Twist - Reframing Leave as a Benefit Title Slide

Historically, employers managed leave by looking for abuse, intentionally or unintentionally being punitive, thinking too much leave resulted in laziness and lack of commitment. Meeting employees during what is usually a stressful time of their lives with compassion, help and support instead of additional stress and anxiety will reap rewards. Now is the time to change the perspective from leave as a negative to leave as a benefit.

In this webinar replay, we dive into how reframing leave as a benefit within your organization inevitably increases employee satisfaction, retention and can successfully be utilized as a means of recruiting top talent. 

Watch this webinar replay to learn:

  • How to make leave an employee satisfaction and retention benefit 
  • How to integrate leave into wellbeing and mental health initiatives
  • How to utilize leave for recruitment and positive employee experiences
  • How to measure success

Watch the Replay Now



Steffanie Trumino  LinkedIn

VP of Human Resources
